Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daily Grind

The new year has brought me a lovely new semester full of lots of new classes, teachers, and classmates. This is weird for me because for the past couple years I have had the same teachers, been with the same classmates, and in the same buildings. Now that I have a couple of random classes to do I must venture out of my normal zone! I think I will live, although my new teachers are pretty boring compared to my Recreation Management teachers:) I am also adjusting to having 21 credit hours, but if it means graduating in April-it's no big deal! I am missing extra time already-I hate not being able to be with my husband and friends more....but four months is going to fly right by....right?

1 comment:

:cassia marie: said...

21 credits?! you never told me you were going to be doing this crazy girl! well good luck. you can do it :)

and i thought you would be amused to know that i am taking pmgt 321 - it's one of the choices for a requirement for me. bahaha.

miss seeing you!! enjoy tomorrow off :)