Thursday, December 29, 2011

New baby niece!

This has been a great Christmas vacation. Robert and I spent Christmas with my brother and his wife (Ryan & Eden)-we had a great time and ate a ton. Robert and I also had an opportunity to secretly help bring Christmas to a family last minute this year-it was definitely meant to be and we had a blast doing it!

On the 27th Eden and Ryan had their baby girl- Samantha Ann Shipp!!! I was thrilled to have my Mom arrive (after me calling and switching her flight and shuttle as soon as Eden went into labor) maybe 1 hour before the baby was born! I was able to watch my first niece Kaitlyn be born (my brother John & his wife Michaela's baby) and so it was definitely special to watch my second niece be born nearly 10 years later on the dot! Childbirth definitely is a miracle and I was grateful to be a part of the experience. I can't get enough of this cute girl!!!

Grandma with her newest love
Right after her first bath!
I could hold her endlessly

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